Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Blog #22

This semester has been the most different one out of my college career. I say that because my classes haven't been that time consuming so I've had a lot of free time. The reason why my classes have been less time consuming is also because I haven't been attending all of them. This is because most of them besides this class don't require attendance. That leads to the one thing I should improve on next semester which is to attend all my classes. Especially because I'm going to be in the upper level and I know my classes are going to be tough. In terms of my accomplishments I have gotten more serious when It comes to school lately. I know that I am going to have to buckle down a bit next semester and focus on school a lot more. I have also done a good job In my studying. Even though I didn't attend all of my classes I have scored fairly well on my exams. This was because I started studying a lot longer and earlier than I've had in the past. Another accomplishment I have had this semester was achieving more leadership roles within my fraternity. I have been working hard with more responsibilities this has helped me be more organized in terms of school and my life.

Blog #21

The hot box cookies presentation as well as the upper level ambassadors presentation was very insightful and I learned a lot from both of them. I have always wanted to have my own company one day and that is one of the reasons I'm in the school of business. I just don't have any ideas as to what I'm going to do yet. But when I do I now kind of know the process I have to go through in order to do so. He was very detailed as to the important steps in the process of owning a business and that could help me in the future. What stood out to me the most was the fact that he had to go through more than one business partner during his process of owning a company. When I do start a company I would want to have a business partner but I just hope I don't have to go through more than one especially if they are my good friends. From the upper level ambassadors, I learned a lot about what to expect next year when I get into the upper level business program. I learned things like getting to know your professor in order to help do better in the class as well as what kind of classes I'm going to have to take as a finance major.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Blog #20

I am excited for this summer to begin but first I have to take my finals which I am not too excited about. It's not because I feel nervous but it's because I am not a big fan of taking tests. I see myself doing very well on my finals however. I would like to start studying now for them but in all honesty I probably will not start studying until at least a week before the finals. In terms of stress I don't think I will be too stressful this semester besides for my accounting final. My poli sci final will be all multiple choice so It won't be too challenging for me. I am doing very well in my stat class and I will be well prepared for finals so I am not too stressed about that test. But my accounting test I know will be hard because my last two tests weren't the best and because all of my older friends have told me it is the hardest test in the class. When it comes to studying for the finals I am going to look over all of my notes and utilize the old exams that I have available.

Blog #19

I attended the TCOB Professional Expectations PDP event for the assignment. I learned a lot from this event about Business Professionalism. I learned that professionalism is about how others such as your boss view and judge you in the business world. It is important because displaying professionalism will help you stand out above others in order to be successful in the business world. I also learned that professionalism is based on four categories, character, intelligence, courtesy, and communication. Character defines how you present yourself to others such as being honest and ethical in your decisions. Intelligence is not just based on knowledge but it is also about making smart decisions and being able to use your knowledge in appropriate situations. Courtesy is about being nice, polite, and doing things like opening the door for people. Communication is based on the way you talk to others and also writing. When talking to other professionals it is important to maintain eye contact, project yourself and have good posture. Focusing on displaying these four categories will help me to improve my professionalism in the business world. I would like to start practicing these aspects such as dressing for the occasion being honest and making the right decisions to name a few.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Blog #15

Being a business student has certainly been nice so far. The classes related to business I’ve taken so far has been challenging in a good way. In most of the classes such as Accounting or Economics I have gotten either an A or a B. Even though I had good grades in the classes, they haven’t been easy to acquire. I enjoy how most of the assignments in these classes have helped to give me a better knowledge of my major. This is certainly true in the accounting classes. Besides the classes I enjoy what the business school at Mizzou offers. Even though I haven’t really utilized all these benefits I will definitely do so in the future. I also enjoy the Cornell building itself. It’s a short walk from where I live and I have used the printers there on several occasions. At the moment I am applying for the accounting program as my top pick and the finance program is my secondary choice. I would like for me to get into the accounting school, but if I don’t it doesn’t mean the end of the world because the finance program is also great. I am looking forward to all the new experiences I will acquire in these upcoming two years in the upper-level business program.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Blog #12

The first question that I would like to discuss is “Imagine that you have graduated from college and you feel great. What would make you feel so great about your experience?” The first thing that comes to mind is that I hopefully would have a great job by the time I graduate. This for me would be the greatest achievement of what I would expect from my college experiences. After all getting a job is the reason I’m in college and getting a degree and a job would be the cause to my “great feeling”. Within the experience knowing that I accomplished the end goal would result in me feeling great. Moreover, the answer to the question of “which career types seem most interesting and attractive to me” is a tad complicated. I am interested in a lot of different fields for different reasons. First, accounting and finance are done with ease because I am talented in math. As far as the attractive aspect of these fields, I would only be going into them to make a lot of money. Fitness and health are fields I am extremely interested in but unsure if I could make a substantial salary in. Finally the question on “What types of tests do you score highest?” unlike most people who might prefer multiple choice tests, I find that I perform much better on free-response. This is because it allows me to show my thinking process and problem solving skills towards the answer.

Blog #11

Chapter 8 did a great job highlighting many leadership opportunities that I can take in order to develop my leadership strengths. I have already had a head start improving this strength by joining a fraternity. Through my fraternity I have many chances not only to be a leader in the fraternity but outside it as well. Opportunities such as becoming an executive position within the fraternity as well as taking on leadership roles as the come. I also have the opportunity with the connections I have made to join other organization on campus such as GAMMA or others. This would greatly improve my chances of taking on a leadership position throughout my college career. Besides my fraternity I can also improve by observing the way professors lead in the classroom. This would give me a great insight on how i should develop my leadership skills. To further develop my strengths I could choose certain classes to improve my skills such as psychology & communication classes. I can also look up to the great leaders in history or a great leader in the field of study I am interested in. By learning about these leaders and learning how they were successful I can somehow incorporate the knowledge into my own life so I too can be successful.